Fake News DB

A University course has a new Fake News project, where a system is being developed to automatically identify fake news articles.  As a part of this project, a database server needs to be configured to store news articles that will be captured by a web scraper.  The solution is a machine running a database software…

JagWarz Expansion Project

JagWarz is a gaming website with a functioning and interactive game database designed for individuals interested in network security. The project has been in development since 2013. The scope for this project is to complete a functioning RvB game that allows the admin to assign users to teams and store the information in a database….

Building an Asset Tracking Web Application

The project assigned to this intern is an asset tracking web application for a local landscaping company that operates out of Lizton, Indiana. This landscaping company has a big need to find an efficient way to store vital company data. In the past this company used excel spreadsheets to keep track of their inventory, payroll,…

JagWarz Development

Jagwarz website is designed to target students who are interested in network security. It is designed to be a fun way to practice network security. There are currently two types of games being played on the website: Capture the Flag and Red vs. Blue. The project has been in development since 2013. It is unlikely…

Building an Inventory and Data Tracking System

The project that was assigned by the mentor was a web application for a landscaping company in Indiana. This application will replace their existing method of storing their internal data, which was excel spreadsheets. The new method for storing data will be through this new web application.  The web application interacts with a SQL database…

Security System Monitoring with OSQuery

The project is about monitoring the system with OSQuery and it is for a university lab. OSQuery is a huge database that gives the user the ability to display information about the Operating system by writing SQL queries. A user can explore so many types of data about the system such as running processes, programs,…

Fake News Article Analysis

The goal of the project was to perform data analysis on the provided data set containing articles in order to gain meaningful insights on how the leading online news agencies write the articles. There are currently many data analysis tools that can be used independently and together to analyze data. One of those tools include…

TOR Search Engine Using Apache Nutch

A local educational institution requested assistance with their TOR web crawler project. The objective was to create a database of malicious files found through visiting websites on The Onion Router network. The software used for this project was Apache Nutch, Elasticsearch, and Kibana. The overall problem was that Nutch wouldn’t send crawled data to its specified…

ASP.net 4.0 Website

A local company in Central Indiana currently uses spreadsheets to track all their company data. This project moves their data to a SQL Server and interfaces the database with an ASP.net website written in C#. Security has been added to project using Microsoft .net membership profiles and roles. The site uses Secure Socket Layer encryption to…

Database Game

The university is in need of a complete database for students to practice queries on.  The front end will be in the form of a game with query results.  The students will need to rewrite the queries to get the same results.  The game can be used for beginners writing simple SQL queries, and also…