As a non-traditional student who has 25 years experience in the working world, I value Living Lab because it teaches soft skills in addition to furthering our understanding of technology. The projects we work on are computer based, but the most important lessons are work ethic, initiative, self-sufficiency, dealing with work-related frustrations, teamwork, and time management.
Vicky Smith
The Living Lab has taught me that not all projects will go as planned. You will run into problems and situations that frustrate you. I have, however, learned a great deal about logs and log management. I gained confidence in my problem-solving skills and overcoming obstacles when it comes to IT projects .
Samuel J. Jacobs
Before Living Lab, I had no work experience related to my IT career. I am grateful to my teachers for their support and encouragement on my projects. I experienced projects hands-on and improved my soft and technical skills. I learned how to work independently and also with a team as needed. I recommend students learn by direct practice and experience the Living Lab. It will introduce you to your prospective career!
Ibrahim Issakha Doude
Living Lab has been a great experience for me to learn daily obligations to maintain a healthy network. I’ve learned independent research is a very important process before network testing is conducted. I’ve also learned that you must have a process to monitor packets flowing in and out of the network. Working with packet sniffing programs has been helpful. In a team environment, I’ve also learned to install network cables, mount and install switches, and test networks.
Charles Alan Stone
The Living Lab provided me with a unique, real-world experience that other classes cannot. This class enabled me to use the skills that I have acquired from my previous classes and apply them to a real-world setting.
Kris Westermann
The Living Lab was a great opportunity to gain different technical experience in the IT field. The projects were all challenging and simulated a real-world environment to deliver upon.
Nick Barnett
The Living Lab was a life-changing experience, because this is how I got my first IT job. I gained knowledge and hands-on experience through contributions on a variety of projects for Simon Property Group. You never know all the solutions for all the problems, which makes it challenging and interesting. I went for another semester in the Living Lab, because I enjoy learning new techniques that will be valuable in the future.
Yan Grishin
The work is challenging and exercises a broad set of soft skills as well as technical skills. In working as a webmaster, the Living Lab challenges your ability to communicate, delegate, and prioritize your projects as new issues occur. Definitely a valuable set of skills for any kind of work.
Michael Thomas Draper
My Living Lab experience has been really challenging and a life-learning, real-world experience.
James Lamar Willis
The Living Lab experience has helped me see what it can be like in the real world.
David C. Bryant