The Jameson Camp project plan is a web-development project which requires a developer to build a user-interactive interface to create a floor plan for placing furniture at appropriate positions on a floor plan. Picking up from where Natasha Blackwell left off, I have had to work on the interactive functionalities of the website which include dragging demo objects on a demo floor plan, where objects represent furniture and the demo floor plan represents an actual floor plan.

Most of the time spent on the project so far has been utilized by research on various Web Development languages like JavaScript and jQuery. I have successfully implemented the draggable properties of jQuery UI including containment and revert properties such that objects can only be dragged to designated droppable positon. Implementation of the logic (used on the demonstrative floorplan) on the actual code still remains a major pending task.

Research on the topics to successfully capture a screenshot of a developed floorplan save it or email needs to be done. Including Email functionality is also a task which needs research. The website is planned to have a working screenshot and email functionality by which a user can drag furniture on the floor plan, take a screenshot once finalized and email it to anyone they like.

Additional features may be added according to time constraints.
