The overall project goal is to set up a Virtual lab environment in order for security students to do testing in. A side goal for this project is to install a tool called Proxmox. Installations of Proxmox and Ubuntu Server themselves were done via USB. For the first the main objective was to clean off four computers. Afterwards two of the computers needed Ubuntu 16.04 installed and 2 needed Proxmox. Proxmox was installed on 2 machines, while Ubuntu was installed on the other 2 Machines in addition Tiny core was also installed on one of them. Also a virtual machine was set up through Proxmox. An Ubuntu server 16.04 ISO was installed on both Virtual Machines. Virtual Machines also had Apache 2 server package installed through Ubuntu Server. Apache 2 server made making a home page for the remaining ISO files a lot easier especially for ISO file organization later on.
UPDATE: Proxmox and Nas4free were sucessfully set up. A repo server was also created in order to store all ISO files. All ISO files were succesfully transfered over to one of the custum PC’s. Windows XP and Ubuntu Server Vulnerable Vm’s were created wihtin Proxmox. Scripts were also produced in order to create JSON configuration files. With all that being said this part of the project has now been completed.
Project Student: Randall Huber