This project is in two parts. The first part is to create a reservation form for a Non-For-Profit organization. The form will allow customers to make reservations for several types of events including weddings, reunions, camping, and retreats. Multiple fields were made for dates, times, name, zip codes, phone number, email address and available facilities and pricing. Radio buttons and check boxes were created for optional rentals such as audio and video equipment for clients events. Calculations were used to create totals using conditional statements and mathematical equations. Based on the design of the reservation form a tour form was created for customers to request a date and time for a free tour. The last part of the project was to make the site mobile friendly using add-ons and plug-ins so the website will work on every type of mobile device. The website mobile version was easy at first but has increasingly been difficult. The website will need to be modified and certain changes will need to be made in the future for 100% mobile functionality.
Project Student: Justin Stephenson