Installation of Oracle Database

A University course currently has work that requires an Oracle database in order to complete coursework. This team created the Oracle database so that members of the University course could utilize it to complete their work. The requirements for this database included an installation of Oracle database, the creation of a child database, and addition of users with access…

New Computer Image

The purpose of this project was to create a computer image for a University Department.  The initial process was quite simple; install an Operating System followed by various programs, suites, as well as updates to them. After the installation, the next step was to create a back up of the image, and then begin the…

Run Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer on Servers

Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer is a program created by Microsoft that access vulnerabilities such as weak passwords and check to make sure all hard drives are running the NTFS file system. This project consisted of running the program on all given servers in order to assess the integrity of the servers individually. Project student: Seth…

Wipe Hard Drives

This simple project consisted of erasing the sensitive data on old hard drives. This is important because it keeps unused information about employees, students, and staff out of the hands of malicious users. Project student: Seth Woodrupp

Status Report Form

This project is for the Living Lab. The goal is to create a form and views for student status reports.  When this is completed students will be able to complete and edit status reports on the living lab website instead of submitting though Oncourse.  This will make it easier for the professors to grade and…

IT Academy Website Renovation

The goal of this project was to update the content and layout of the IT Academy’s website. The goals were to update the home page layout, improve the overall site layout, and upgrade the current event manager to handle online credit card transactions. The home page update has been successfully moved live, but the overall…

Database Implementation

Implementation of an Oracle database to fill the needs of the client to be able to predict budgets and make reports. The goal of the project is to implement an Oracle database from data of Microsoft Excel and to create a web user interface that can interact with remote Oracle database. The user interface is so clients may…

ET005 Infrastructure

ET005 had several patch panels and a lot of unused cable which was not appealing and creating clutter in the lab. For the project, the group removed all the old cabling, then planned and ran new cable according the the client’s request, which allowed for expand-ability by providing Ethernet ports for laptops,  keeping the lab…

JagWaRz / CIT 406 Challenge Development

JagWaRz is an educational gaming platform created at IUPUI. The goal of JagWaRz is to educate students by challenging them and rewarding them for completing security challenges; similar to challenge/reward systems found in video games. Our project focuses on creating challenges for JagWaRz and the course CIT 406 Advanced Network Security. Update: We created challenges…