Tech Camp Computer Images

Tech Camp is put on by a university department to help local teachers learn how to better incorporate computer technology into their classroom curriculum. In order to allow the Instructors of this Tech Camp to teach, Living Lab students were assigned this project to make a computer build suited for two labs.  These images were to…

Network Port Auditing

Nmap is an open source program that stands for Network mapping and it’s used for Device discovery and Security Auditing. This program would allow you to know the ports status, therefore knowing which ports are being used.  The project goal was to use Nmap to generate scan reports that can be used through an Nmap…

Security Camera Installation

The purpose of this project was to allow users to monitor activity in a room of their choice.  Among these capabilities are: motion detection, recording, audio, and SNMP protocol. The hardware used was a basic computer, two USB cameras, and iSpyConnect software.  A UPS was also installed for the machine so that, in the event of power loss,  the…

SNORT Installation

Snort is an Intrusion Detection System that sits on a network and watches all the network traffic. It looks for any suspicious activity that may be the result of hacking, virus or malware activity, or any potentially dangerous code going across the network. Any activity is stored in a database that can be viewed on a…

Indiana Company Digital Signage

Over the past 6 months a large Indiana company has been working on their own digital signage solution. The project started as a marketing solution for sales members to view their sales statistics while at work. It has now grown to a company wide project that will display not only sales stats but other information like:…

Mac OS X Terminal Server

The goals of this project were to design and implement a Mac OS X terminal server for use in a future programing classes.  Students researched possible solutions, designed a server farm, and implemented a working TS using iRAPP ts and Zen Load Balancer. Project Student:  Eric Pulfer

Revision Control

Revision control software, such as BitBucket, is a piece of software that allows multiple users to edit the same coding files immediately and simultaneously. The BitBucket documentation that has been created will guide the user through the basics of the software. This documentation shows the user how to create an account, download the necessary programs, and…

Switch Replacement

Students worked on the installation and configuration of 3 HP 5120-SI 48-port switches in a hub and spoke type setup versus the previous daisy chain wiring scheme.  This allowed for us to achieve 1 GB speed to the workstations in two labs. Student Team Members:  AJ Alzaman, Abdul Banjar, David Bryant