Novus Sport

Novus Sport is a Ruby on Rails Web Application which operates in a server environment.  With Novus Sport the student used various Ruby Gems such as Authlogic, CanCan, PaperClip which allowed them to develop a web application in which users can upload grant proposals to have them reviewed and recommended. Project Student: Josh Apgar

University Department Website

For this project the student created a website using WordPress Content Management software, setting up a site map for the university department, created specialized post categories to manage individual project posts.  Projects posts can categorized and therefore be looked up by Current, Past or Upcoming or by the type of project:  Database, Networking, Security and…

Oracle 11G Enterprise Edition

For this project, the students installed an Oracle Database on an university department local host server.  This database was used in a course for database management students allowing instructors the ability to manipulate the exiting schema as well as create their own objects.  Through this project the students also learned about the different environments that…


An intrusion detection system is a device or software that monitors network traffic for malicious activities or policy violations.  If there is malicious activity detected an output report is sent to a management station.  For this particular project students researched and tested SNORT. SNORT is a free and open source network intrusion prevention system, which…

Syslog/Event Log Server

With this project the student was responsible for configuring audit policies on the host machines.  To do this the student had to turn on Success and Failure auditing for the Audit Logon Events policy, as well as configure the Special Logon/Logoff and Other Logon/Logoff policies.  The student was also required to configure the firewall on…

Lync PC Project

The goals for this project were to build a new desktop, install Microsoft Lync, configure the computer speakers to automatically turn on and off on specific days throughout the week, and to configure the desktop to automatically log on and lock right afterwards.  Specifications that were required:  Windows 7 Professional Edition, an Intel Core 2…

Dual OS Deployment

A university department is an approved testing facility for a regional testing group.  For this particular project the students purchased new hard drives and partitioned them into two separate partitions.  The students then created an image of Windows 7, Office 2010, Visual Studio 2010, and accounting software.  A second image contained a network image for…

Indiana Company Scanner Project

The Indiana Company Scanner Project consisted of installing scanning software on over 100 remote locations.  The scanning software is provided by another company and will be used for the locations to scan their receipts.  This project would take at most 7 installations, and approximately 15 minutes per installation.  Overall this project provided the students with…

Not-For-Profit Wireless Network

On this project students set up two wireless networks, one private and one would public. The private network would be used for members and the not-for-profit, meanwhile, the public network would be used as public WiFi for any user, such as when the not-for-profit hosts public events. In order to set up the wireless networks…