Server Room Maintenance

The goal of this project was to organize the server room to create a sense of clarity with the cables that were running into the room.  Each cable was traced back to the correct computer and the cables were ran so they were more manageable.  This maximized the amount of space available and made it…

Network Maps

The desired outcome of this project was to diagram and document the infrastructure of the lower university department’s labs.  The diagrams were created using Microsoft Visio.  This diagram serves as a valuable tool when tracing networking issues.    Student Team Members: Zach Becker, Eric Napier, and Jacob Neitling

University Department DVDs

Provide a university department with copies of DVDs that are required to run consecutive classes.  Eliminating the need to share resources provided a seamless classroom environment for students.    Project Student: Jacob Neitling

Rebuilding and Testing Computers

The purpose of this project was to rebuild and test older computers for a university department hardware class.  Each individual component of the computer was tested to ensure functionality. This was done by removing components one by one from the older computers and plugging them into a known working computer.    -Project Student: Jacob Neitling

University Department TV

This project was based around a TV that is displayed in a university department.  This TV is used to display information about several departments.  The TV was purchased through the university and a computer needed to be purchased and built to display the videos for the departments.     Student Team Members: Zach Becker and Jacob…

Untangle Gateway

The desired outcome for this project was to replace the Shorewall firewall with Untangle Gateway.  Untangle Gateway is a device that provides protection to the local network using different open source modules.   -Student Team Members: Yvel Guelce and Jerome Liwanag

Ghost Imaging

The objective of this project was to restore university department workstations to the original image with the latest updates.  The new image that is created with the appropriate updates is then pushed to the workstations. These labs are used by university IT students that are working on assignments for their classes.  In this environment users…

Wiping Hard Drives

Two university departments have a TV that is located on the third level of a university building. This TV is used to display videos with information related to the departments.  This project was to create a script that would coincide with Windows Media Player in order to play the video. -Student Team Members: Natalia Krylova…