DNET Server

This project consisted of tackling the role of the administrator over the DNET Server for the University Department. The DNET server is used by the students within this department as a means to test their development of websites and databases. During this project, the DNET server was replaced. Software that was needed for courses was…

Final Cut Server Install

The desired outcome for this project was to successfully install new hardware into the existing server rack by wiring it, configuring the RAID array, and installing the Final Cut Pro Server software. -Project Student: Scott Furry

University Department IT Support

The goal of this project was to provide IT support to the students and faculty members of a university department.  The responsibilities of this project included maintaining workstations by ensuring they were updated, user management and maintenance, configuration of Ghost console, and VLan creation. Project Student: Scott Furry

Compaq Server Racks

In order to complete this project, Darik’s Boot and Nuke (DBAN) was used to wipe all the SCSI hard  drives. This software was chosen because it was a method that was certified by the Department of  Defense in order to ensure due diligence in computer recycling. Project Student: Patrick G. Fisk

Indiana Company Risk Assessment

The desired outcome of this project was to become more familiar with Nessus External Scan and GFI LAN Guard to be able to perform an analysis of the client’s network environment. The software automates the testing and discovering of known security problems and vulnerabilities. Project Student: Patrick G. Fisk

Infrastructure Test Lab

The infrastructure test lab provides an environment that simulates the production network at the State of Indiana.  Their infrastructure is such a complex environment that changes to that environment can have the potential to cause large scale outages.  To minimize this possibility a dependable test environment that simulates production is required.  The goal of this…

Switch Installation

The infrastructure test lab provides an environment that simulates the production network at the State of Indiana.  Their infrastructure is such a complex environment that changes to that environment can have the potential to cause large scale outages.  To minimize this possibility a dependable test environment that simulates production is required.  The goal of this…

Ghost Build

The outcome of this project was an image that contained Windows XP, Firefox, Adobe Reader, Microsoft Office, Norton Anti virus, and some other requested software.  This image would later be pushed to the workstations contained in the lab room.                                               -Project Student: Jacob Neitling