SharePoint Deployment Cost Analysis

The goal of this project was to research the cost of deploying a SharePoint server.  The student that was working on this project was faced with a lack of clarity on requirements. He overcame the issues by making estimates on how many users would be using the system. After requirements were clarified, a cost analysis…

Monument Design Packages

This project consisted of the student researching monument design Computer-Aided Design(CAD) packages for a client.  The client had just started a monument design business and needed a CAD system.  The student found two solutions that fit the client’s needs.  The solutions include Monu-CAD Entry Level Manufacturing System Package and Monument Starter Package.  Project Student: Kyle…

Indiana Company Wireless Information paper

The client for this projected needed an informational paper written that they could provide to their superiors to prove why a move to wireless was not a good idea. The student wrote a paper about the uses and limitations of wireless and why a typical environment used a hybrid approach, using wireless for mobile devices…

Nagios Reconfiguration

Nagios is a program located on a server that’s function is to continually poll other servers and determine if they and any network services they are hosting are still running. The objective for this project was to reconfigure Nagios so that it would send alerts to the appropriate personnel when certain criteria was met.  Project…

Restoring the Logging Server

During the semester the hard drive in this server failed and needed to be reloaded.  The student installed the Nagios logging software and other programs that it was dependent upon to function.  Then the student reconfigured the logging software for use on the university department’s network.  Project Student: Rick Wilburn

Not-For-Profit VLANS

This semester at the not-for-profit group the students were responsible for creating 2 separate VLANS and setting up new computers with the same images.  The students added all of the computers in the not-for-profit group to a domain and created a naming convention.  Also, in order to fix the previous networking issues the students installed IPcop…

Tomcat Apache Server

For this project the student was responsible for creating a script for the Tomcat Apache server.  This script would require passwords, home folders with proper permissions, a symbolic link, and user feedback.  Through the creation of this script the student learned how to read files from a given directory, how to initialize and set variables,…

University Department Website

Within this portion of the university department Website project the students were responsible for designing the front-end of the PHP based website as well as re-evaluating the content.  To make the website more efficient the students created a new CSS template and moved the host to a new server.  However, when the site was moved…

SNORT Logging and Analysis

This semester the student learned how SNORT operates by using a set of signature based rules and how an open source per script is use to manage the rules. The student also learned how to use the Rule Analysis and log checking through the use of BASE, which is a common web based front end…