PEN Mobile Server Setup

This project involved the PEN which is a mobile server with four different operating systems in it.  It consists of various Cisco products also such as, router, switch, firewall, and VPN.  The goal of this project was to establish it as an Intranet with the ability to connect to other networks to perform network scans….

Forensic Package Research

The client for this project was a Professor in the university department that needed forensic software researched.  The student provided a list of products including where each software could be downloaded and the price of each.  This was given to the client for consideration.  Project Student:  Rick Wilburn

Indiana Company Phased Infrastructure Recommendation

The goal of this project was to create a plan to guide the client in updating their infrastructure.  The student provided a report to the client that advocated a phased approach to replacing their network.  This approach allowed the client to replace in phases as their budget allowed.  Project Student: Rick Wilburn

Professor Assistance

The client for this project was a professor that was needing software installed on the machines within one of the university department computer labs.  The student downloaded the requested software to the ghost image for the following week and then tested out the software to make sure it was properly functioning.  Project Student: Twila Dowell


The desired outcome of this project was to create an Intrusion Detection System(IDS) using SNORT.  The student installed SNORT on several machines but encountered many problems.  This project was assigned near the end of the semester so the student documented progress for project continuation the following semester. Project Student: Rick Wilburn


The goal of this project was to turn the SharePoint Server into a Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 server.  The student researched several available options for the installation.  The student created backups on the server that were sent to a different server.  A few issues surfaced and were waiting to be resolved before installing.  Project…

Teaching High School Students

This project consisted of teaching high school students how to  make learning fun.  The student showed the high school students how to create a wireless router antenna booster.          Student Team Members: Twila Dowell, Mark Mitchell

Forensic Software

The goal of this project was to research the requirements for a PC running FTK 3.0.  The requirements were out of the scope of the department so this was passed to another student to research a different version available.  Project Student: Mark Mitchell

Server Room Monitoring

This project consisted of finding a solution to monitor the server room for security purposes.  The student working on this project set up two web cams and video surveillance software.  Project Student: Mark Mitchell

Backup Software Research

The goal of this project was to research and find a backup software for the Citrix Xen Server. The student narrowed it down to two open source software called Alike and Amanda.  After further testing and research the student decided that Alike best fit the needs of this project.  Project Student: Anna Schafer