Wazuh: An Intrusion Detection System

Wazuh is an open-source intrusion detection system that uses individual agents to monitor user and network activities on a host-basis.   Suspicious activity is reported using alerts via email.  Agents were deployed to the workstations in the Living Lab through the use of group policy management.  The Auto-OSSEC tool developed by Binary Defense Systems provides automatically provisioning for agents in order…

Render Farm Project

The purpose of the Render Farm Project is to create a high speed graphics rendering network.  This is accomplished by using multi core computing nodes to compile graphics information at high speeds while the overall work load is managed by a separate system. This process is aided by the use of Autodesk software including Maya…

Jameson Camp Floor Plans

The Jameson Camp project plan is a web-development project which requires a developer to build a user-interactive interface to create a floor plan for placing furniture at appropriate positions on a floor plan. Picking up from where Natasha Blackwell left off, I have had to work on the interactive functionalities of the website which include…

Refining a Floor Planning Solution for WordPress

The purpose of this project is to make some final adjustments to the already existing J code that allows a customer to create floor plan arrangements in a variety of venues. All of the functionality is there except for the flaw that allows the user to drop tables and chairs on top of one another. Through…

Windows Server Update Services

In order to ensure greater security among the workstations in a pair of computer labs, we are creating a new Windows Server Update Services, or WSUS, server which will have WSUS installed on a Windows Server 2012 virtual machine. This will make for automatic and in sync updates for the programs that are most necessary…


The SNORT Project is a continuation of building a network security monitoring server to monitor Rooms ET005 and 007 in the basement of the ET building. It will need to update the rules installed on the SNORT server to the current package from the Snort website. Any remaining rules created by last semester’s team will…

Not-For-Profit General Support

Before our first meeting I created a logical network map through the help of Lucid Chart. Once the first meeting was over and the area was toured, I went back and revised it. Clay helped me with the revision. I added things on there like servers, switches, and access points. A Not-For-Profit group needs help setting up a…

Hard Drive Image and Distribution

This project required creating an image for the lab computers and then creating a way to distribute that image through the server. The image will be used as a fresh start for each of the 40+ computers in the computer lab each semester; and the server distribution eliminates the need for an administrator to complete this task for each machine. Project Student: Rhett Bauer

Secure Cloud Infrastructure

The goal of this project was creating a cloud infrastructure running multiple images. Three nodes run the cloud, and a fourth node deals with security. The main priority was logging and sending all traffic through the security node to be examined later. The secondary priority was making the images forensically sound. Eventually, SIFT will be running…

High-Fidelity Prototype for Mobile Learning App

A professor at a large, urban university has requested an interactive learning tool through which instructors can assign students a series of experiences, each of which has associated tasks. Experiences will be scheduled by each student, completed in real-time, and may include a variety of questions and media submission types. Previously, PHP code, database structure, and low-fidelity…