TOR Search Engine Using Apache Nutch

A local educational institution requested assistance with their TOR web crawler project. The objective was to create a database of malicious files found through visiting websites on The Onion Router network. The software used for this project was Apache Nutch, Elasticsearch, and Kibana. The overall problem was that Nutch wouldn’t send crawled data to its specified…

pfSense Firewall for Educational Institution

A local educational institution requested assistance with replacement of their current firewall for their small data center. The Living Lab team was tasked with configuring an open-source firewall known as “pfSense” and properly swapping out existing software with no interruptions to service. The team created VLANs that only communicate between specified networks for security. The…

Create Malware Analysis Lab

A local educational institution requested a malware analysis lab.  The lab will allow students to have hands on experience in reverse engineering malware, and malware analysis.  Students will be able to go to a website and fill out a web form to create a virtual machine.  A python script will be used to take the…

Discord VoIP Server

Discord is a free voice-over-IP service similar to Skype that supports multi-user voice chats. Unlike Skype however, it makes use of permanent user-made servers instead of ad-hoc peer-to-peer calls. This allows for a level of administration that would not be possible with other similar utilities. To address a lack of a centralized collaboration tool, a Discord…

Wake on LAN

Wake on LAN is a computer networking standard that allows for PCs to turned on from a powered off state by a network message. The purpose of wake on LAN is to have the capability to power on all PCs or an individual PC by sending a network message from a host machine either on…

Pupy: Building a Pupy client and server

The purpose of this project is to remotely troubleshoot individually or a whole group of computers in ones.  We will be taking screen shot, deploying software, shutting down the whole network.  For the exigence of the project, we will be using Kali Linux as Operating System, Pupy RAT (Remote Administration tool) as tool and the…

Security Operations Center

A company requires a centralized security workstation to monitor the internal network of their primary location, remote sites, and other facilities. The security operations center needs to be robust and capable of passive and active monitoring and vulnerability analysis, and it should be able to generate reports, alerts, and graphical metrics. The computing requirements of…

Building Forensics Workstations

Twenty-four laptops are needed for classroom use as forensics and networking workstations. The laptops need to have suitable specifications to meet the demands of forensics imaging and other high-usage tasks. A standard image is necessary to maintain standardization across each workstation and ease the maintenance and addition of utilities. The laptops and some additional hardware…

Netflow Server

In the NetFlow Project, a virtual server will be installed along with NetFlow tools to monitor and capture the traffic in the Living Lab network. Some of the tools that will be used are VyOS, Solarwinds, Scrutinizer, Cisco NetFlow, and ntop. In addition, a virtual LAN will be created to simulate the Living Lab network and to test…

Minimega: Creating and Testing Insecure Virtual Machines

This project focuses on the creation of infected virtual machines using different tools such as Linux/Python command line interfaces for shell scripting, and Minimega for the launching of the virtual machines.  The end state of this project is to provide infected virtual machines ranging from networking, web applications, reverse engineering and forensics related threats for…