Database Implementation

This project had the initial goal of streamlining the a compnay’s payroll system and updating to a new version of QuickBooks. After a meeting with the client, interviewing employees, and gathering information about their current system, the project took another direction. It was viewed that the needs of this client were much greater than just…

Account Creation Policy

Every semester the university department engineers are responsible for creating user accounts on different machines to fulfill course requirements. The goal of this project was to create a policy to give the engineers guidelines on the accounts that are being created. These guidelines include but are not limited to how long the accounts should exist…

Alternative Server for SharePoint

A computer from a university department’s lab was used for a server by installing Ubuntu LAMP Server with the alternative SharePoint software.  The final phase of this project was creating remote access to the server for quick installation.     Project Student: Twila Dowell

Test Platform Server

The desired outcome of this project is to have a server that could be used for a test platform for a group that needed access to software roughly equivalent to Microsoft SharePoint.  The two software products selected are O3Spaces and WordPress.  The server was built with Ubuntu Server that would run as a LAMP.  This…

Dell ESXi Server

This project involved setting up the Dell ESXi servers for a university department.  There were initial problems of getting the server to start because it reported that there was no operating system.  Research was done to resolve the problem.  The problem that they found was that the SD card was not initially enabled within BIOS….

Surplus Site

Previously all of the data entry for surplus has been written out by hand. The purpose of the university department site is to create a website which will fulfill the needs of data entry for surplus. The first step in creating the site was to pull ideas for the new site from the current university…

University Department Server

This project involves implementing a server for students who are taking a website design classes to allow them to upload their HTML files to the server. This project entails creating scripts using Powershell to read certain text files that contain information about the students and their instructors. As well as creating folders for the students…

University Department Website

The goal of this project was to “manage redistribution, public auctions, and recycling of retired university property.”  Also, the surplus website displays sales, intake, reports, accounts, items, and categories.  To do all of this the student created a program using ASP.NET and C#.  Within this program there is a Sales class, an Accounts class, a…