CACTI is an open source networking monitoring and graphing tool.  With this project the student worked with the three different tasks that Cacti handles: data retrieval, data storage, and data presentation.  CACTI was installed on windows server 2008 R2, Windows XP, and Ubuntu.  The student ran into some problems being able to log in to…

Installing Oracle

The desired outcome for this project was to install Oracle database and make remote access to the database.  The student started by installing Windows XP SP3 onto a virtual machine within VMware.  Next, the student installed Oracle database without any issues.  When the student tried to connect to the Oracle database remotely, problems rose.  The…

Moving Interns Folder Data to the SharePoint

This project consisted of moving the data from the old intern’s folder to the Sharepoint.  The backup of this data was located on the SQL server.  The interns folder is a collection of the previous and present university department students projects including reports and documentation. After gaining remote access to the SQL server the student…

Server Room Organization

Throughout the duration of the semester the students worked on keeping the server room organized.  The students sent items that were not functioning to surplus.  Next, the computer wiring for the labs was organized using Velcro.  This maximized the space the students had on the desks to work.  Student Team Members: Aleksandr Sterkin, Mark Mitchell


The goal of this project was to build a Snort Intrusion Detection System (IDS) to monitor sections of an university department.  The initial parameters for the project were for the server to be built in a virtual environment, for the server to have MySQL database on the back end which would be populated with alerts,…

Image Deployment

During this project the students deployed a windows image that was created by an instructor  to all the desktops in three labs.  The students working on this project moved the machines from one lab to another where they deployed the image to these systems.  After that was finished they moved the machines back up to…

Not-For-Profit Network Infrastructure

A Not-For-Profit requested a network infrastructure build.  The student on this project first installed 594 feet of Cat6 and Cat5e cables. The also installed and configured a router as well as installed an antenna to broadcast the wireless signals.  Student Team Members:  Kashif Rauf, Mark Mitchell, and Tom Zender

Root Certificate Authority

A Certificate Authority (CA) certificate is a digital credential that validates the identity of the CA that owns the certificate.  Within the CA there are public keys in which are assigned which is used to verify the authenticity.  The objective of this project was to setup and implement a Root CA, and Stand Alone CA…

Database Experience

The main goal in this project was giving the student the opportunity to gain knowledge and experience in a database environment.  This student went to an Indiana company where he worked with their database administrators on various projects.  The student was able to work with SQL Server 2000, 2005, and 2008.  He was able to…

Not-For-Profit Fire Department

The student on this project began by building a very basic database design but then decided that he wanted to create the database that he would create if he it was his database in this situation.  He created two different database designed and then presented them to his instructors.  After picking the best design he…