Training & Testing Environment for VMware vSphere

VMware vSphere is an all-encompassing name given to VMware’s virtualization suite for deployments large and small.  It includes a level 1 hypervisor (ESXi), and vCenter Server for managing hosts, virtual datacenters, virtual server clusters, and more. One main objective of this project is to incorporate multiple physical hosts into clusters which can utilize vSphere’s vMotion…

Network and Infrastructure Stabilization

This projects focuses on assisting a local organization throughout the semester with several of their goals and needs. The priority is the evaluation of and then stabilization of the company’s local wired and wireless network. The network has several known issues and is a constant source of frustration on their campus. Once that is complete, there…

Render Farm Project

The purpose of the Render Farm Project is to create a high speed graphics rendering network.  This is accomplished by using multi core computing nodes to compile graphics information at high speeds while the overall work load is managed by a separate system. This process is aided by the use of Autodesk software including Maya…

Cybersecurity Internship

This project involves working with a Fortune 500 company’s cybersecurity team. It involves a lot of meetings that are about some of the current projects that they are currently working on like the Phishme campaigns, implementing two-factor authentication for vendors, maintaining user credentials on applications or requiring that the vendor do so. Aside from meetings…

Jameson Camp Floor Plans

The Jameson Camp project plan is a web-development project which requires a developer to build a user-interactive interface to create a floor plan for placing furniture at appropriate positions on a floor plan. Picking up from where Natasha Blackwell left off, I have had to work on the interactive functionalities of the website which include…

Windows Server Update Services

In order to ensure greater security among the workstations in a pair of computer labs, we are creating a new Windows Server Update Services, or WSUS, server which will have WSUS installed on a Windows Server 2012 virtual machine. This will make for automatic and in sync updates for the programs that are most necessary…


The SNORT Project is a continuation of building a network security monitoring server to monitor Rooms ET005 and 007 in the basement of the ET building. It will need to update the rules installed on the SNORT server to the current package from the Snort website. Any remaining rules created by last semester’s team will…

Installing a new bootloader

This project is about finding and installing a new boot loader onto a test computer so it can later be done on a lab computer for the client. The requirements for the project include; making sure that it is freeware and making sure one partition is only visible when using the other partition. This was…

TOR Search Engine Using Apache Nutch

A local educational institution requested assistance with their TOR web crawler project. The objective was to create a database of malicious files found through visiting websites on The Onion Router network. The software used for this project was Apache Nutch, Elasticsearch, and Kibana. The overall problem was that Nutch wouldn’t send crawled data to its specified…

pfSense Firewall for Educational Institution

A local educational institution requested assistance with replacement of their current firewall for their small data center. The Living Lab team was tasked with configuring an open-source firewall known as “pfSense” and properly swapping out existing software with no interruptions to service. The team created VLANs that only communicate between specified networks for security. The…