Security Analyst – Security Awareness Campaign

The Security Awareness Campaign subset of the Security Analyst project is a project aimed at introducing and promoting security awareness to a diverse audience. While there are many materials that can be designed to help achieve these goals, this campaign focuses on spreading awareness through the creation of newsletters. Promoting Security Awareness should help to…

Security Analyst for a Fortune 500 Company

This project requires a student to be able to talk with all levels of an organization while also preforming on daily tasks at high levels. This project will test your abilities for time management and understanding how to function in a fast paced environment. This project will test the students real world techniques and abilities….

JagWarz Challenges Development

JagWarz is an online game intended to be integrated into the Computer Information Technology curriculum at Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis. The end goal is for the game to be utilized in networking and security classes as a way to incentivize active learning. Individuals or teams compete with each other for points in order to establish…

SPLASH Website and Canvas Modules Development

SPLASH is a website that will be used by IUPUI and potentially other IU campuses to help students apply for Placement Learning Assessments (PLA) and obtain credits based off previous experiences or tests of knowledge administered by the school. There is also a Canvas class for this program that will give students access to specific…

IAC and Risk Assessment

This project was a research project. This research was focused on Industrial Assessment Centers(IAC), how they function, and how to make sure they are efficient. The different steps of risk assessment were studied and documented. This project also revealed the specifics of Industrial Control Systems (ICS). All the information derived from this research will be…

Floor Plan Plugin

A not-for-profit organization would like to create a new website for its users and customers. One of the features of the website is making an interactive floor plan plugin. This plugin will represent the facilities to help design, create, and plan for events. The goal of the plugin is to allow users to create a floor…

University Course Website

The administrator has asked to update the university course website. The administrator requested changes to the main home page. The changes include dynamic picture banner, changes of the layout, and remove/move sections of the home page. The purpose of the project is to help create a more visual home page for the course. Project Student: Michael…

Creating a Virtual Enviroment

The overall project goal is to set up a Virtual lab environment in order for security students to do testing in. A side goal for this project is to install a tool called Proxmox. Installations  of Proxmox and Ubuntu Server themselves were done via USB.  For the  first the main objective was to clean off…