Building Forensics Workstations

Twenty-four laptops are needed for classroom use as forensics and networking workstations. The laptops need to have suitable specifications to meet the demands of forensics imaging and other high-usage tasks. A standard image is necessary to maintain standardization across each workstation and ease the maintenance and addition of utilities. The laptops and some additional hardware…

Minimega: Creating and Testing Insecure Virtual Machines

This project focuses on the creation of infected virtual machines using different tools such as Linux/Python command line interfaces for shell scripting, and Minimega for the launching of the virtual machines.  The end state of this project is to provide infected virtual machines ranging from networking, web applications, reverse engineering and forensics related threats for…

Hard Drive Image and Distribution

This project required creating an image for the lab computers and then creating a way to distribute that image through the server. The image will be used as a fresh start for each of the 40+ computers in the computer lab each semester; and the server distribution eliminates the need for an administrator to complete this task for each machine. Project Student: Rhett Bauer

Red and Blue Team Research

The first thing that was done during the research process was to goolgle Red and Blue Team. It came up with a lot of different sites.The main 2 sites that were really helpful were and Csonline. They layed out a great descirption on both teams as well as techniques they used. The next task…

HP Donation Process

For this project, I was first tasked with using parts that were donated by HP to put together laptops. However, we found out that this project had already been completed in another semester. Therefore, I was tasked with a hard drive imaging project with these laptops instead by my mentor Andrew Webb. I was tasked…

IT Academy VMware Live Migration

For the IT Academy VMware Live Migration project, I was tasked to research and build a Networked-Attached Storage (NAS) for the existing VMware environment. This would allow the virtual machines that are stored on the NAS to move from host to host without downtime or the need to restart. This would prove extremely useful for…

Qualtrics Cybersecurity Risk Assessment Questionnair

The Qualtrics Cybersecurity Risk Assessment Questionnaire project is focused in the application of a battery of questions related to an organization’s cybersecurity posture, functions, and administrative programs.  This battery of questions is served via the QualtricsXM online survey application, with the survey results able to be exported to various data types for analysis. Through the post-survey…

Internal Network Dashboard Monitor

The Internal Network Monitoring Dashboard project is intended to research and implement a simple and efficient monitoring solution for the Living Lab network. As one of the project requirements was to find a primarily no-cost solution with an easy to interpret interface, the Spiceworks Network Monitor program was selected following research and comparison against other no-cost…

WordPress 101

WordPress is the world’s most popular tool for creating websites and has the ability to create any style of website, from a simple blog to a full-featured business website. Therefore, WordPress 101 website is teaching how to use WordPress for beginners and give people who are not familiar with WordPress a simple idea of using…

Network Security Analyst: Network Monitor

Position with University Course to monitor network security logs and assist with maintaining network integrity.  Use Neflow technologies to gather network traffic data and store it for later use.  Position also assits colleagues to upgrade and troubleshoot any issues that are prevent the system from operating at optimal efficiency during the term. Project Student: Jeramia Collenbaugh