University Sponsored Training Organization Website

A University Sponsored Training Organization’s website has an existing website that lists the courses offered by the organization. The current website contains some information about the organization, but this information needs to be organized in a way that makes it easier to use. Therefore, the main goal of this project is to develop the website…

Fake News Article Analysis

The goal of the project was to perform data analysis on the provided data set containing articles in order to gain meaningful insights on how the leading online news agencies write the articles. There are currently many data analysis tools that can be used independently and together to analyze data. One of those tools include…

Refining a Floor Planning Solution for WordPress

The purpose of this project is to make some final adjustments to the already existing J code that allows a customer to create floor plan arrangements in a variety of venues. All of the functionality is there except for the flaw that allows the user to drop tables and chairs on top of one another. Through…

Not-For-Profit General Support

Before our first meeting I created a logical network map through the help of Lucid Chart. Once the first meeting was over and the area was toured, I went back and revised it. Clay helped me with the revision. I added things on there like servers, switches, and access points. A Not-For-Profit group needs help setting up a…

Building Intrusion Detection Systems

Overview: The purpose of the project is to build an Intrusion Detection System (IDS), Suricata and Bro IDS, on the Living Lab server in order to monitor network traffics, extract files, and send all logs and alerts to ELK stack. Then, all logs and alerts should be visualized through the ELK stack. Suricata is a…

Discord VoIP Server

Discord is a free voice-over-IP service similar to Skype that supports multi-user voice chats. Unlike Skype however, it makes use of permanent user-made servers instead of ad-hoc peer-to-peer calls. This allows for a level of administration that would not be possible with other similar utilities. To address a lack of a centralized collaboration tool, a Discord…

Wake on LAN

Wake on LAN is a computer networking standard that allows for PCs to turned on from a powered off state by a network message. The purpose of wake on LAN is to have the capability to power on all PCs or an individual PC by sending a network message from a host machine either on…

Pupy: Building a Pupy client and server

The purpose of this project is to remotely troubleshoot individually or a whole group of computers in ones.  We will be taking screen shot, deploying software, shutting down the whole network.  For the exigence of the project, we will be using Kali Linux as Operating System, Pupy RAT (Remote Administration tool) as tool and the…

Security Operations Center

A company requires a centralized security workstation to monitor the internal network of their primary location, remote sites, and other facilities. The security operations center needs to be robust and capable of passive and active monitoring and vulnerability analysis, and it should be able to generate reports, alerts, and graphical metrics. The computing requirements of…