IT Academy Website Renovation

The goal of this project was to update the content and layout of the IT Academy’s website. The goals were to update the home page layout, improve the overall site layout, and upgrade the current event manager to handle online credit card transactions. The home page update has been successfully moved live, but the overall…

Living Lab Webmaster

The Webmaster is responsible for maintaining the Living Lab’s website domains. Throughout the semester the webmaster must: help maintain the domains resolve issues with upgrades, plugin conflicts review currentĀ procedures, routines and plugins used This has consisted of adding new sites, updating outdated sites, and testing features that other students have developed. Project Student: Joad Fattah

e-Document Storage Repository

This project’s goal is to update Living Lab’s current file repository, allowing students to upload a project along with a summary through a web-based front-end. The Omeka website will allow students, staff, and authorized guests to browse through the repository, search projects by semester, client, student, and type. Additionally, the text from pdf files is…