EASEL Reflection App

This project is to design and develop a web application that will be eventually implemented onto mobile platforms. The application’s purpose is to allow an instructor to assign experiences that a student must complete. The instructor will be able to assign tasks and questions for students to complete. Students will be able to complete delieverables, review…

Green House Nursery Web Application

The project I’m have been working on this fall semester 2016 is the woody warehouse project, and which the project is a web application. The objective of the project is to create a back end database which will be used to share information regarding their inventory.The nature of the project is to create the database…

Minimega: Creating and Testing Insecure Virtual Machines

This project focuses on the creation of infected virtual machines using different tools such as Linux/Python command line interfaces for shell scripting, and Minimega for the launching of the virtual machines.  The end state of this project is to provide infected virtual machines ranging from networking, web applications, reverse engineering and forensics related threats for…

Security Operations Center using Security Onion

The purpose of this project is to create a Security Operations Center using open source software for a Fortune 100 company. The software for this project is called Security Onion, which is open source, has a wide variety of tools all implemented into a custom Ubuntu installation. Security Onion includes over 40 tools, most of…

Hard Drive Image and Distribution

This project required creating an image for the lab computers and then creating a way to distribute that image through the server. The image will be used as a fresh start for each of the 40+ computers in the computer lab each semester; and the server distribution eliminates the need for an administrator to complete this task for each machine. Project Student: Rhett Bauer

Secure Cloud Infrastructure

The goal of this project was creating a cloud infrastructure running multiple images. Three nodes run the cloud, and a fourth node deals with security. The main priority was logging and sending all traffic through the security node to be examined later. The secondary priority was making the images forensically sound. Eventually, SIFT will be running…

Student Reflection Application

The goal of this project was to develop a fully functional prototype of an application for the tracking of students as they complete offsite learning activities. Students will also have the opportunity to interact with professors through the application for assistance as needed. Students throughout the university system regularly participate in offsite learning activities that are not…

Red and Blue Team Research

The first thing that was done during the research process was to goolgle Red and Blue Team. It came up with a lot of different sites.The main 2 sites that were really helpful were Sans.org and Csonline. They layed out a great descirption on both teams as well as techniques they used. The next task…

HP Donation Process

For this project, I was first tasked with using parts that were donated by HP to put together laptops. However, we found out that this project had already been completed in another semester. Therefore, I was tasked with a hard drive imaging project with these laptops instead by my mentor Andrew Webb. I was tasked…

IT Academy VMware Live Migration

For the IT Academy VMware Live Migration project, I was tasked to research and build a Networked-Attached Storage (NAS) for the existing VMware environment. This would allow the virtual machines that are stored on the NAS to move from host to host without downtime or the need to restart. This would prove extremely useful for…