Network Log Monitoring

The project was to find a way to manage logs that the computer creates for different events. The requirements for the project were that the log manager needed to be used in both Linux and Windows environments, alerted when the local admin logged into the server, and provide viewable log events when someone logged into the server remotely or locally….

University Department Website

In this project, students create, maintain, and update the university department website as a student webmaster.  Work that has already been completed includes implementing a backup system, and a simple way to migrate from a dev environment to a production environment. We hope to accomplish a project management solution that will allow students to login and manage their projects including but not limited…

Vulnerability Management

The goal of this project is to find free software that can monitor the labs that are used by students and a university department.  This software needs to be able to monitor the network by detecting devices that are connected and disconnected from the network, alert the appropriate person when unauthorized software has been added…

Tomcat Server Replacement

The Tomcat Server on campus is used to allow students access to MySQL and phpMyAdmin for the purpose of learning and expanding the students knowledge about web design and development. This project dealt with replacing the current web server with an updated Linux OS to allow for updates down the road in both security and…

University Department Project

The university department project involves designing and coding a fully functional website for the department. The website’s Intake page consists of an order form that is completed when the customer equipment is brought to the department. This information is then stored on a database to track the items that come in, and where the items came from….

Not-For-Profit Website

The not-for-profit website project is a new website that will highlight their operations and ongoing work.  Work completed to date includes the general layout of the site and a complete front page, which was used by the not-for-profit in a presentation in the Summer of 2013. The site is being built using WordPress, which gives students the opportunity to become familiar with…

Wireless Network Installation

The goal of the wireless network installation project is to extend a not-for-profit’s current network, available only in their offices, to a wireless network that is accessible anywhere on their grounds. The wireless network is composed of a private network that is wireless and accessible by Ethernet and a public wireless network. The two newly created networks…

Tech Camp Computer Images

Tech Camp is put on by a university department to help local teachers learn how to better incorporate computer technology into their classroom curriculum. In order to allow the Instructors of this Tech Camp to teach, Living Lab students were assigned this project to make a computer build suited for two labs.  These images were to…

Network Port Auditing

Nmap is an open source program that stands for Network mapping and it’s used for Device discovery and Security Auditing. This program would allow you to know the ports status, therefore knowing which ports are being used.  The project goal was to use Nmap to generate scan reports that can be used through an Nmap…