Dell ESXi Server

This project involved setting up the Dell ESXi servers for a university department.  There were initial problems of getting the server to start because it reported that there was no operating system.  Research was done to resolve the problem.  The problem that they found was that the SD card was not initially enabled within BIOS….

Server Room Security

The goal of this particular project was to set up a system that monitored the motion in the server room of a university department. A webcam was used to capture images for every second that motion was detected. The software that was chosen to be used to meet the goal was VideoMonitor. Project Student: Matt…

Switch Lab

The individual created a lab for an advanced networking class so they could perform certain actions in relation to the console ports of the switches in the classroom. Project Student: Matt Hoffman

iPad Vulnerabilities: Security

With this project the student analyzed what makes the iPad so popular despite potential security risks. The student concluded that iPads are reliable and that they increase productivity on the go. iPads offer applications such as iWork, Citrix Receiver, and Mail which allow users to easily conduct business and increase profits. However, users could lose…

iPad Vulnerabilities: iBackupBo

The purpose of this student project was to determine how safe data is on iPads. To analyze this the student determined which tools can be used to compromise data on an iPad, what types of data can be extracted, what the ramifications are, and if there are ways to mitigate these issues. The student then…

iPad Vulnerabilities: iFunBox

With this student project, the student was responsible for trouble shooting an iPad that would not mount as a usable disk. To resolve this issue the student installed iExplorer which allows users to view the iPad within Windows Explorer. However, iExplorer is prone to crashes as well as causing other software to crash. The student…


In this project the student learned that ColdFusion is a web application which enables the rapid development, and maintenece of rich and robust Internet applications. ColdFusion is easy to install and acts as a built in Web Server which enables remote developmental services. Project Student: Robert VanHentenryck

Storage Area Network

For this project the students were responsible for configuring one of the SANs and making it accessible on the network. The students evaluated the performance of the SAN based on the storage capacity, the high-speed access using fiber optic cable, as well as hot-swappable drives. After evaluating the performance the students eliminated power redundancy by…

cPanel/Enkompass Project

The purpose of this student project was to test the functionality of Enkompass which would give instructors more granular control over courses that they teach. This would also create a website for each course as well as a virtual environment for university department courses. The students uses Windows 2008 R2 Virtual Activer Directory Controller as…