SPLASH is a website that will be used by IUPUI and potentially other IU campuses to help students apply for Placement Learning Assessments (PLA) and obtain credits based off previous experiences or tests of knowledge administered by the school. There is also a Canvas class for this program that will give students access to specific courses so they may apply for credits. Back to the website, SPLASH is currently being created and edited in WordPress, a free web development software, and allows the creation of all the necessary pages used on the site. As of this point in time, the website is mostly complete. There is work that needs to be done on the FAQ page, and there should be some changes made to the overall website’s theme to better fit the engineering departments web style, but all the pages needed are made and each page has been filled with content.

On the Canvas end, most of it still needs to be ironed out. Many of the class requirements still need to be confirmed with their coordinators and need to be uploaded to the class-specific modules. Some teachers may also want teacher-level access to the Canvas course so they can upload their tests, as well as be able to view requirements the students need to turn in. But once those steps are finished, this project will be ready for review and hopefully can be pushed out.

Project Student: Dalton Puckett
