A not-for-profit company that a university department at an university has been helping since the fall of 2012. From the documentation that I have been able to find on this not-for-profit company, the university department has built this companies network from the ground up.

This not-for-profit company is so much farther along now than when the university department started, but at the end of this semester this not-for-profit company has some changes that might need to be made. There are two workers that will need telephone lines installed by a phone service provider thus causing this not-for-profit company to venture into different means for telephony services. The best means for the not-for-profit company would be VoIP, because it is cheaper and hassle free compared to dealing with telephone service providers and their rates. Installing this VoIP service could cause some new challenges for future semesters to come.

Student Team  Members: Bryant Boggs, Devan Hardwick
