This is a continuous project, focusing on a student taking on the role of webmaster for a university department’s WordPress website.  The website is a public facing website representing the department, provides a repository for past projects completed by students of the department, while also providing a set of administrative tools to manage students currently involved in the department.

This role has a basic set of responsibilities that include:

  • adding, editing, and removing users from the website
  • based on feedback, improving the website’s readability, usability, and accessability
  • ensuring the base functionality of the website, and responding to issues that crop up
  • maintaining and adding to the content of the website

For this semester, additional goals for the webmaster role includes:

  • improving administrative tools regarding the timesheet plugin used by the students
  • documenting the timesheet plugin for future webmasters
  • continue documenting the webmaster role’s responsibilities for future webmasters
  • implementing and documenting an automated backup system for the website’s content
  • implementing  and documenting additional administrative tools regarding users and projects

Student Webmaster:  Michael Draper
